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Showing posts with the label Norms

Teacher for Learning-Prior Knowledge & Culture Analogy

  What makes a great pasta dish? The sauce! Every individual (family) has their own way (process) of making their famous sauce. Wether it's canned and doctored sauce or all fresh ingredients, everyone agrees- it's in the sauce! A good sauce fills gaps, blends ingredients, and binds. Like The Sauce, much of our Prior Knowledge and cultural nuances are nothing more than ingredients that come together to create learning experiences. Ingredients that are dictated by the language used to retrieve them, cultural and sub-cultural norms and personal experiences as well as high-context and low-context and trauma.  Prior Knowledge is not strictly canned or homemade sauce (an either/or) in on student's learning journey. I see the misconception of Prior Knowledge's 'either/or' application in education as well as culture misconceptions as opportunities to upgrade our thinking as educators. Asking key questions during the lesson planning process, like,"How can my student...

Teacher for Learning-Another Misconception (Opportunity) is Culture

Another misunderstood concept that impacts students' Prior Knowledge (PK) and is directly related to education is culture. Culture is often boiled down to static features; such as, holidays, foods, religions, the arts including languages. However, culture is actually intricate and dynamic. (Nieto, 2008) For example, a teacher that is a 50+ caucasian and from a traditional middle-class to upper-middle class family will have different cultural and subculture norms, values, and symbols than a 16+ Dine' student from a non-traditional middle to upper-middle class family when engaging PK and connecting it to new information. As a result PK may remain inconveniently inaccessible by students because it goes against cultural and subcultural norms.